- Physical Address: 25915 U St Ocean Park, WA 98640
- Social Quarters Phone: 360 665-2362
- Mailing Address: PO Box 1100 Ocean Park, WA 98640
- Chapter Address:
We will be offering 2-Hott Class in Pasco on Thursday, March 6th, starting at 9:00 am. It will last around 6 hours total. This class teaches the basics in QuickBooks Online and It is required for all Administrators, Moose Legion Secretaries, and Chapter Treasurers every three years. It is also good for any bookkeepers and LOOM Treasurers working in an office of any Moose unit. WOTM Treasurers are required to attend this class if they are working toward their Star degree.
The class is free (but you must register for the Mid-Year Conference using the button above) and is limited to the first 25 people who sign up. Each person must bring their own laptop computer that is capable of logging into the wi-fi at the Red Lion. If you have any questions, please contact John Mangiantini at [email protected]. Click here to register for the class.
Moose Charities announced the "Always Active at Moosehaven" project, or AAA for short. This project replaces the New York State Sports Complex at Moosehaven. The target goal is $10,000,000. WSNIMA had $45,000 to raise, and we did it! They broke ground in Spring 2024, and it should be complete sometime in 2025. The building will include a bowling alley, an indoor therapeutic pool, shuffleboard areas, dart boards, card rooms, and a beverage bar, and will include an outdoor activities pavilion.
Thanks to all fraternal units and individuals for your generosity. Together, we can do anything!
Each and every time you pay your dues, donate directly to, or raise money for Moose Charities, you make it possible to take care of these kids that live in the house with our name. On behalf of a grateful fraternity and association, thanks for being a member and giving of your time and substance so these children have a great quality of life, an education, and most importantly, a bright future. You make a difference. Never forget that.