Washington State Northern Idaho

Moose Association


Convention Photos Are Posted

Administrator School Announced at Cowlitz Valley, October 26-27, 2024

All Administrators must be trained in order to remain in office, per section 51.5 of the General Laws.  WSNIMA hasn't had a qualified Administrator trainer in years, so there has been some leniency shown to our lodges by the Compliance Office.  That leniency has come to an end.  Lodge Administrators that have not been trained must make every effort to attend this training.  Here are the details:

Location: Cowlitz Valley Moose Lodge, 921 Washington Way, Longview, WA 98632
Dates & Time: October 26-27, 2024, 9:00-5:00 on the 26th, and 9:00-mid-afternoon on the 27th
Hotel:  TBA, check back here or in your lodge email

To register, or if you have any questions about the training, contact Training Coordinator, Bob Isom at 360 481-1445 no later than September 25, 2024.

If you have not been trained and absolutely cannot make it, contact Territory Manager Duane Lusby ASAP at [email protected] or 360 388-7891. Please do not ignore this call.  Duane will be compelled to enforce the training mandate in the General Laws for those that don't make the effort to be trained.

2024-2025 "Embrace Our Community" Membership Campaign Announced

Click here for more information

Moosehaven AAA Project

Moose Charities has announced the "Always Active at Moosehaven" project, or AAA for short.  This project will replace the New York State Sports Complex at Moosehaven.  The target goal is $10,000,000.  WSNIMA has our fair share of that to raise, and we are doing it with pride.  The building will include a bowling alley, an indoor therapeutic pool, shuffleboard areas, dart boards, card rooms, and a beverage bar, and the project will add an activities pavilion.  

Let's Make it Happen for our Seniors at Moosehaven.  Click here to make a donation.  Please don't forget to put WSNIMA AAA Project in the Special instructions box.


Each and every time you pay your dues, donate directly to, or raise money for Moose Charities, you make it possible to take care of these kids that live in the house with our name.  On behalf of a grateful fraternity and association, thanks for being a member and giving of your time and substance so these children have a great quality of life, an education, and most importantly, a bright future.  You make a difference.  Never forget that.